Other vertebrates

Topolino delle risaieOther vertebrates, as well as birds, are also well represented in the wetland areas of northern Tuscany, particularly fish and amphibians.

The ichthyofauna, although impoverished after the introduction of allochtonous species and, locally, by pollution or summer drought, includes local species such as the Eel (Anguilla anguilla), Tench (Tinca tinca) and Pike (Esox lucius). Among the amphibians, Green Frogs (Rana esculenta complex), the Agile Frog (Rana dalmatina), Tree Frog (Hyla intermedia), Common Toad (Bufo bufo), Green Toad (Bufo viridis), Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) and the Smooth Newt (Triturus vulgaris) can be seen almost everywhere.

But there are only two typical reptiles: the Grass Snake (Natrix natrix), which is widespread, and the rare and localised Pond tortoise (Emys orbicularis).

Mammals are the most poorly represented class among the aquatic vertebrates, particularly after the loss of the most characteristic species, the Otter (Lutra lutra), which became extinct in these areas in the first half of the 20th century.

Raganella e Testuggine palustre

Nevertheless, some predators of the woodlands and cultivated areas, such as the Polecat, Weasel and Fox, regularly visit the Tuscan wetlands as their hunting grounds.

Of considerable interest is the sighting of the Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) in the Fucecchio Marshes, the only recorded station south of the Po River Basin.