
The Protect Area "La Querciola" lies in the Commune of Sesto Fiorentino, in the territory commonly known as the Florentine Plain.

This area is characterised by alluvial soils, whose mud-clay texture means they are prone to clogging with consequent stagnation of the water.

The main remaining activity is agriculture, generally carried out on a large scale so that plant cover is practically inexistent.

Exceptions are rare isolated trees, sparse relict rows of vineyards and small orchards, related to residual fruit growing. Uncultivated areas between the cultivated fields are used for residual grazing activity.

The protected area stretches for approximately 50 hectares and includes about 11 hectares which until 2010 were managed for venatorial interests (Padule pond) and are currently being converted into a protected area, as well as two ponds covering a total area of about 7 hectares made ex novo where hunting is banned. 

The Commune of Sesto Fiorentino has recently acquired, in two quotas, 12 hectare of land where, as well as constructing the two ponds for a total of 7 hectares mentioned above, it has also begun re-forestation interventions, setting up small buildings and pathways for initial utilization of the area and creating educational ponds dedicated to lesser fauna and aquatic flora typical of the plain.

Furthermore, an artificial flood plain of about 12 hectares is also in the final stages of construction within the ANPIL which, during period when it is not used for hydraulic purposes, will be managed for naturalistic purposes.